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Sometime ago early in my career during a jury trial for a wrongful death case; we were picking a jury and it was almost my turn to go through some questioning.

Before I got up I felt an uncomfortable wetness in my pocket area … sure enough my pen had leaked! Luckily I was for the time, able to button my coat to hide the mess.

I sent my paralegal to my home to get a clean fresh shirt and changed during a recess.

Ever since, I keep an extra shirt at my office and one in my car if I have any type of court appearance and there should be an accident.

Incidentally, the case was lost, the jury returned a zero liability verdict and didn’t even get to damages.

Luckily we were able to settle for $55K on appeal. I refer to the case as the “Inked Stained Shirt Case.” My paralegal has moved to another area but we still get a laugh when we get together.

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